Did you know that today is “Chocolate Chip Day”? Neither did I! I’m not sure where I saw this notice, surely somewhere on-line, and this year it happens to coincide with the start of a long weekend here in Canada.
My husband’s favourite cookies aren’t chocolate chip, they’re my oatmeal chocolate chunk cookies. I had a fun little dilemma… could I still claim to be celebrating chocolate chips, if I baked something made with chocolate chunks instead?
It turns out that chocolate chips were originally chocolate chunks. I was all set to start baking! But, as is often the case, I wanted to learn more. For example, have you ever wondered why chocolate cookies are sometimes called “Toll House cookies”?
Here’s a quick summary. At one point in 1930, chocolate chips didn’t yet exist. The co-owner of the Toll House Inn wanted to bake a batch of chocolate cookies, but she didn’t have any of her regular baking chocolate left.
She decided to chop a large block of semi-sweet chocolate into chunks, and:
expected the chocolate to melt and disperse through the cookie dough as regular baking chocolate would.
Instead, the chocolate pieces retained their individual form, softening to a moist, gooey melt, and the world had its first known chocolate chip cookie.”(1)
It was an accident. Chocolate chips came to life because of a ‘failed’ baking substitution. Don’t forget, she had wanted the chocolate to melt throughout each cookie. This is probably the happiest historical mistake that I’ve ever read about ‘-)
When Ruth’s Chocolate Crunch Cookie recipe was featured on an episode of The Betty Crocker Cooking School of the Air radio program, the popularity of the humble chocolate chip cookie exploded…
The popularity of the cookie further increased after Ruth published the still popular, Toll House Tried And True Recipes, featuring the “Toll House Chocolate Crunch Cookie,” in 1936.”(1)
Canada’s Victoria Day long weekend begins today, and the weather is much colder than usual this year. Another great excuse to have the oven on for a little while ‘-)

It’s still a bit of a struggle to bake because of my rare disease; Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) has affected not only my right hand and arm, but also my brain. While the autoimmune component of CRPS causes issues with all the joints in my fingers and wrist, its neuro-inflammatory aspect has messed with my brain.
As a result, I’m now living with a mild cognitive impairment (MCI), which can make it challenging to follow recipes or detailed instructions. Even for recipes like this one, which I’ve made many times over the years. I’m happy to report that this batch of cookies came out just fine ‘-)
Thanks so much for stopping by the blog, and no – I’m not selling anything! I’m just giving voice to folks with the same kinds of challenges that I face on a daily basis now. Grieving for the loss of my beloved career to this illness, for a life without constant and severe pain. For the fact that so much in my life is unlikely to ever return to “the way it was”.
Before 2016, before I broke my arm and then ended up with CRPS. Another little accident, but without the super-happy ending of the chocolate chip story! I’m making my own happy ending, though, my own pathway through persistent pain and the other challenges that have been thrown my way.
On that note, I wish you a very happy Chocolate Chip Day! And if you’re here in Canada, have a happy and safe Victoria Day long weekend.
(1) Kate Krake. The Chocolate Chip Cookie Was Invented By Accident. Business Insider. 16 Mar 2013. Online: