CRPS is complicated 30.11.18

Have you ever read something and found yourself wanting to stand up and scream: “Yes, yes, yes!”? That’s how I felt, earlier today, after reading this line in a news report:

“Attending events such as family reunions, holiday parties, weddings or concerts comes at the cost of resting beforehand and spending days recovering after.”(1)

What’s being discussed in this report is a rare disease; Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). Sometimes still known as RSD or Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, its older name.

The timing is impeccable, because it describes precisely what I’m going through. My company’s holiday party was last night… and now I’m suffering dearly for having attended.

My pain levels are much worse, my fatigue level is through the roof, and I’m going to have to cancel all the plans I’d made for this weekend. All because I caved in to pressure, from my colleagues, to attend the holiday party this year.

Luckily it’s Friday, so I can try to recover – at least a bit – over the next two days.

No matter whether or not you live with a fatigue-inducing disease, remember to take care of yourself during this holiday season.

Wouldn’t it be grand if we could each begin the New Year feeling rested? How’s that for a New Year’s resolution? Probably not very realistic, but perhaps a good goal nonetheless ,-)


(1) Lisa Esposito. Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: It’s Complicated. US News & World Report. 30 Nov 2018. Online: