Mixed signals 14.04.19

Someone asked me recently to give them some examples of what I mean by mild cognitive impairment, when I say that I’m “losing” my words. This has been the most recent symptom of a rare autoimmune and neuro-inflammatory disease, called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS).

Here are some of the funnier examples, the ones which I can recall, at any rate:

  • I called my pharmacy to ask for a “recall” of a prescription, when I meant a “refill”
  • At a restaurant with my sister, I asked whether her son had an “intervention” yet, but I wanted to say “interview”
  • I’ve used the word “connection” instead of “collection” so many times at home that my husband has stopped correcting me – even though I’d asked him to… if only so I’d know how often I do this!
  • The same goes for “automatic”, but I mix that up with 2 different words; “autonomic” and “autonomous”
  • Today I called out, at home: “Honey, can you come get a “squirrel” off the wall in the kitchen?!” He ran into the room, trying to figure out how to get a squirrel out of our home. We were both laughing about that one all evening…

The final example I want to share with you is the most striking one that I can give, of what I mean by ‘losing my words’ with MCI. But it wasn’t funny. Not at all. I was at the funeral of the brother of one of my old friends last month.

Each time I tried to say “condolences”, what came out of my mouth was the word “congratulations”. In my mind, I heard “condolences”. I was certain that’s what I’d said. Up until the moment when another old friend told me what I’d said.

As you can probably imagine, I was absolutely horrified. I spent the rest of the service, and the reception afterwards, glued to the side of the friend who’d told me what I’d said. I was afraid to speak to the elderly parents of the deceased, worried that I’d use another inappropriate word.

That’s what I mean, when I say that MCI is affecting my daily life. Hopefully the MCI will go away, or get better, and I’ll be back to my old self again soon!

words describing CRPS or RSD, including flare, hospital, pain, neuropathic, painful, physician
©Sandra Woods